RAC Summer Series Town Hall Meeting - July 27

The Silent Language of Expert Testimony

As a litigator, you want your witnesses to be seen as competent, trustworthy and likeable.  But most witnesses, under the strain of the testifying process, do things nonverbally that undercut one or all of those three qualities.  This could result in turning off a swing-vote juror or needlessly antagonizing the other side, causing negative emotional fallout that words cannot counteract.  Learn how to be as credible in your nonverbal communication as you are in your verbal testimony.  

The July 27 Town Hall guest speaker will be Dr. Janet Larsen Palmer, President of Communication Excellence Institute, a professional consulting firm in management communication.  Dr. Palmer has over 30 years' experience as a Professor of Communication, a Fortune 500 corporate manager and a university administrator.  She has authored three books and many articles, and has consulted on communication with individual executives, universities, healthcare organizations and corporations in the U.S. and Europe.  Dr. Palmer has won over 25 national and regional awards for her teaching, research, business leadership and public service in communication.  She has a B.S., M.A. and Ph.D. from the School of Communication at Northwestern University.

Thursday, July 27 
2:00pm ET / 1:00pm CT / 12:00pm MT / 11:00am PT

The Zoom Video is available for viewing. Click on the link below.

Zoom Video Link:   https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/KMEHquSD4zBUrUAo26Yd-c6IXmyMLpv-hZhBgkAEpEhIO0JwUXG-N4Qyp3poRYY7.Nj6HBtmUd_0bosKM


2023 RAC Conference Recap


RAC Summer Series Town Hall Meeting